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Friday, 23 September 2016


Today we had our very first swimming lessons.  It was so much fun.  We cannot believe that we get to do this in Grade 3.  Check out the video bellow of our first day at the pool. 

Then this afternoon Mme gave us time to work on things that we have not had a chance to finish during the week.  
The coolest part of the day was after recess, we came in and Mme had different things like Lego, Plus Plus, Knex around the room.  We got to play and be creative.  It was so much fun! 
Here is a short video of us creating!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, 16 September 2016

3rd Annual Children's Peace Walk

Today was special because all of the Grade three students went on a peace walk at the forks!
We learnt a peace song called Peace With Me Peace With You Peace With All Of Us.
We walked around the Museum of Human Rights, watched and danced to Jaques Chenier and shared our doves that we made with Mme Despins.  After we shared our doves we exchanged our doves with other peace messages.  Then we went to the Children's Playground.  After a picture and lots of fun at the playground it was time to board the bus.  What a great Field Trip that was!

By Aubrie  and Mady 

Here is a short video of our day!

Friday, 9 September 2016

First Day in GRADE 3!!!

Today was are first full day of Grade 3.  We did a lot of neat things.  Students had to save Sam from drowning using only two paper clips.  We also talked about what it means to be inclusive and accepting.  Here is the video that we watched to help us learn about differences in people.

Here is a short video of our day, ENJOY!

Peace Walk Permission Form

We will be attending the 3rd Annual Children's Peace walk on September 16th. If you are able to volunteer please let me know by email.

Information letter

Permission Form