Saturday, 19 December 2015
Last week of school before WINTER BREAK!
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Student-Led Conferences
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Scientific Design Project
Thursday, 12 November 2015
What do we need!
Ruth Hargrave was in our class and spoke to us about our NEEDS. The needs, love, power, fun, shelter, belonging.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
There was an AUTHOR in our school TODAY!
Today we had a HUGE SURPRISE!
Lindsay Mattick the author of Finding Winnie was at our school today. Lindsay is the great-grand daughter of Harry Colebourn. Harry Colebourn is the soldier who bought Winnie for $20.00. Today that would be equal to $450.00.
Lindsay read us the story, she shared her photo album as well as her great-grand fathers journal. This was such an amazing experience.
finding winnie,
Harry Colebourn,
Lindsay Mattick
Monday, 26 October 2015
Today in math we had a guest. Her name was Dr Math. We learned a bunch of new things:
Keaton learned that there are numbers before zero.
Cassie learned how to multiply numbers.
Alex learned that in the number 5 there is also the numbers 1,2,3 and 4.
Kendra learned about 1/2 numbers and lots of other math.
Carter G learned how to write numbers in column form.
Kadence learned what multiplicative form is.
Nealla learned how to multiply numbers.
Ellie learned that you can use your fingers for different numbers, if you show 11 fingers you show 10 and then you show 1.
Ryden learned that T stands for 10
Kendall learned that in math T can stand for 10 and O can stand for 1.
Pavit learned how to write numbers in expanded form.
Slayter learned how to subtract.
Here is a short video.....
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Problem Solving with Miss Toth
Today in Math we had a special visiter. Miss Toth, a coordinator from our division came to work on problem solving with us.
First we talked about how we problem solve everyday. We shared examples on different ways that we have problem solved in the past, such as, when we have had to put furniture together, when we have baked a cake and when one of our dogs was lost and we needed to find it.
We spoke about different things that we need to do in order to come to a solution.
We need to have a plan!
We need to be persistent!
We need to work together!
We may need to a few times using different ways and approaches.
Mis Toth showed us two videos, one in which the person did not try to problem solve and one where the boy DID us his problem solving abilities.
This man was not a very good problem solver!
Audri is an awesome problem solver.
After we watched the video's Mme Boychuk and Miss Toth gave us our own question. We worked in groups of 4 to come up with different solutions. It was hard, but we DID NOT give up. We worked together and we came up with three solutions as a class. Some groups came up with a few more.
IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Thank you Miss Toth for coming to work with us.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Making 20
Today in math we focused on different ways (combinations) to make 20. Mme gave us beans that were colored on one side. We had to shake and spill them to see the combinations.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Our Kinder BUDDIES
We had so much fun playing and getting to know them. We look forward to spending time with them over the year.
Kadoodles, Osmo and Words Their Way!
It is important for us to work on our creative thinking and problem solving skills. Mme has OSMO'S and we have to create tangram puzzles with them. She also has KADOODLES and theses can be very hard. We work together in groups to help solve the problems.
This week we started our Words Their Way. We all started together with the same sort so that we could learn how we are supposed to do it.
creative thinking,
problem solving,
WOrd WOrk,
Words their Way
On Friday September 18th we loaded up on the bus and went to the Forks just outside of the Canadian Museum of Human Rights to attend the Peace Days ceremony and walk. The students listened to several speeches from community members and then began to walk while singing with Jacques Chenier. We walked around the museum and then once everyone had returned we formed a semi circle to share our messages of peace. Each student who participated in the event wrote a message of peace to share with a student from another school. After, we ate our lunch while we listened and danced to Jacques Chenier. Then we went to the park and played until the bus picked us up to return to the school.
All of the 3rd grade students creating memories and connections at the Forks park.
Sunday, 13 September 2015
First Day of School
Today was a great day focused on building community and getting to know each other. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot. We started off the day by sitting in a circle and telling each other a little bit of what we did over the summer break. After that we had a ball of yarn and when it was passed to us we shared something about ourselves that we wanted the class to know about. When we finished we each had a piece of string that showed how we were all connected. Then we worked together in groups to put together a puzzle.
During the afternoon we had our very first school assembly, M Gomes talked about expectations that he has for us during assemblies and we learned a new way to clap to show our support and appreciation of others. We were also introduced to all of the new staff in the building and of course our new vice principal Mme Romeo. After, we went back to our room and some of us shared our "All About me" bags.
We ended the day with Phys Ed. It was a great day, we were all very tired and excited that it was the weekend so that we could recharge for the upcoming week ahead.
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Welcome to Grade 3
I am excited to start the new year and to learn all about the new students in my class. Make sure you subscribe to our blog to follow along with our learning throughout the 2015-2016 school year.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
This week we got to work in centre's that focused on various Indigenous aspects of life. Students got to explore Indigenous art, various dwellings, and their favorit was the design and creation of "canoes" that they got to test in water. It was a great learning experience for all.
Friday, 22 May 2015
TUSC JOBS for week of June 8
Chairperson: Alexander Sophie
"Best story ever" News Report: Bailee Jarrett
Book Critic: Alexis
Biographer: Andrew
Scientist: Adam
Weather/Environmentalist: Thomas Ariel
Movie critic: Jordyn Wyatt
Historian: Teagan Sara
Zoo Keeper/Animal Expert: Antun Veronica
Angry Chef: Liam Lucas
Commercial/ Riddle/ Jokes: Ben Sam
Travel Agent: Ethan Rowen
If you knew me: Declan Reese
Take the....: Brady Gaby
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Beyond the Laughing Sky Book Trailers.
We recently read the book Beyond the Laughing Sky written by Michelle Cuevas. This was a great read and the students and I really enjoyed it. It speaks to both acceptance and believing, which I feel is such an important part of our world. Below are book trailers that my students created. ENJOY!
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Another way to do multiplication
Here is another way to do multiplication. This originated in Japan.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Earth Day Poem by Jane Nolan
Grade 3 and 4 students performing at the assembly on April 8, 2015
Two by Two Number Multiplication (GRADE 4)
Here are two of our students showing how to do the multiplication concept that we learned in class today!
Friday, 13 February 2015
Agents of Change
We have been a part of a passion project created by Dacia Penley Jones entitled Den Voices connect. the DEN is a group of teachers throughout North America and other parts of the world who collaborate and share ideas. This DEN was created by teachers for teachers within the Discovery Education Network. Here is the video of us singing the Agents of Change. We have submitted our video and are very excited to see the final project.
Agents of Change,
Discovery Education
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Les Pronoms Personelles
We are learning our verbes and we need to understand an know our personal pronouns in French.
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Songs that help us learn about Canada
These are some songs that you can use to practice and learn the Canadian provinces and their capital cities.
capital cities,
social studies
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Learning about Canada
We are currently learning about Canada's geography. We have started to learn learn the names of the 10 provinces and 3 territories as well as their capital cities. We have also started to study the map to help us learn where each of the provinces are located. Can you locate the provinces and name their capital city? I challenge you to see how many capital cities and provinces you know compared to your child.
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