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Monday, 6 March 2017


On Friday we learned about the teaching of LOVE.  The EAGLE represents LOVE.  
We shared about people who love us and how we know they love us.  We also shared about who we love.  Pam read us the book I Carry Your Heart With Me by E. E Cummings and Mati Rose McDonough. 

Today we learned about the teaching of HUMILITY.  HUMILITY means that you know that you are good at something, but you do not brag about it.  The WOLVE represents HUMILITY.  We learned that the wolf travels in a pack and in a straight line.  The young and the elderly are kept in the middle of the line and the strongest wolves are in the back and the front.  
Pam read us the book The Table Where Rich People Sit by Byrd Baylor and Peter Parnall.

Abany liked that in the book every person had a value of 1 million dollars.
Amanda liked everything about the book. 
Michael like when the girl realized that the family was rich. 
Joel liked the part where the boy's nick named was Ocean Boy.
Laina liked the part where they made a list of the things that they had that made them rich.  This did not include any money at all.

 We closed our sharing circle by watching the video How Wolves Change the Rivers

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