First we started our Talking Circle with BANNOCK. Pam made us bannock and brought butter and jam. IT WAS SO YUMMY!
Then we smudged. Smudging is when you cleanse the air and your body with smoke. Today we used the smoke from SAGE. Joel says that the smell is similar to when you start a bonfire. When we smudge we start with our hands, then our head, our ears, our eyes with them closed, our throat, our heart and lastly our whole body. It was a very calming experience
Raine liked the bannock.
Aaron liked how we got to eat bannock and then we smudged.
Brooke liked when we smudged.
Ethan and Chloie both felt calm when they smudged.
Joel felt warm inside when he smudged.
Abbey felt good when she smudged.
Diego felt steady when he smudged.
Amanda felt very very calm when she smudged.
Michael felt awesome when he smudged.
Brooke felt lucky that she got to smudge.
Smudging made Mady feel brave.
Alexander felt awesome when smudging.
Looking at all of the pictures and reading all the comments from the students, I can imagine what a unique experience this was to be apart of, a great tradition as well. Looks very calming.